Sunday morning worship begins at 10.30am and includes a mixture of both traditional and modern styles, mostly with a live group of musicians. Teaching and preaching is Jesus-focused and relevant for today.
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The first part of the service includes the whole church family and features songs, prayers and stories along with news of our church family, after which our children and young people leave for their own activities, according to age group. The second part of the service is usually focused on teaching and prayer.
On the third Sunday of each month, and occasionally at other times, we share in Communion together.
All-age worship takes place at least 3 times a year, but particularly on Mothering Sunday, Harvest and Christmas. We also participate in the regular United Services as part of Churches Together in Louth.
Our services are currently led by our Minister, Rev Jonathan Greenwood, with other people from the fellowship taking part.
Refreshments are served in the church hall after the service, where we encourage everyone to stay behind and enjoy a time of fellowship together.
Special Services
As a church we practice believers baptism by immersion for all those who have come to faith.
Baby/Infant Thanksgiving and Dedication:
We love to welcome children into the church family and help people give thanks for the birth of their child. If you would like to mark the birth of your child then do get in touch.
Weddings and Funerals are available by arrangement.
Please contact the church if you want more information about the above.